Monday, 3 March 2014

Visual Communication.

Recently I decided to set myself a target. Write a blog post, about myself and Game Art, at least every two weeks. However I soon discovered that this wasn't going to happen. Because it's mind-numbingly dull to write about and probably not much more fun to read. 

Not always, but most of the time. Especially when it's scheduled in a blog format. I evaluate and re-evaluate my life and work anyway. When I write about it here I'm flogging a dead horse.

So what do I want to write about? It varies from week to week. So I'm going to strive to write more frequently. About the variety of things that I want to write about. And the things that I think you will enjoy reading.

'Cool story bro, why don't you blog about it?' - Game Art Student.

So this week, I want to tell you about food shopping and ternary plots. 

I was attempting to describe to a friend, why food shopping is an activity that requires careful thought and consideration. While browsing the cheese section of our local supermarket, I thought of a way to visually communicate my thought process of selecting food products.

Value for money vs nutritional value vs time to prepare. 

It's called a ternary plot. It represents the three variables that impact my decisions. Dependent on work load, budgetary constraints and health.

And I thought that was pretty cool.

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