Friday 7 March 2014

Where am I going?

This week, in critical studies, we have been looking at game development pipelines and job roles within the industry. This has encouraged me to consider short term milestones and perhaps begin to narrow my focus and specialize. 

I'm very content, and reasonably capable of absorbing and processing as much information as possible without any particular focus. However I feel some clearly defined, short term goals would be useful in increasing my productivity and measuring my progress.

I've come to realize that I'm naturally leaning towards environment art, vehicles and props. Perspective and composition have always been of great interest to me and one of my strong points. Constructed perspective drawing is fascinating and really inspires me.

So how do I get there? Below, I have analysed a sample job application for an Environment Artist Position. This should help me gain an understanding of what is required of me and encourage reflection on what I need to improve.

Sample Job Application, Sledgehammer Games.

This exercise was of great help in highlighting not only the skills I need to gain but where and how I need to show them.

I'm drawn to environment art positions as a starting point because I'm aware that I enjoy variation. I thrive in situations where I'm both intellectually and artistically challenged and I believe a position such as this would provide that.

However this remains a flexible goal. I'm only in my first year and my focus remains as broad as possible. But I will say that I enjoyed my work more in the first term when the projects were more environment based.

But then again, the grass is always greener... 

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