Friday 29 August 2014

Mixing it up with Oil Paints.

Last week, I was invited to Aldermaston to take care of my aunt's cats for a week and mind their house while the family were away. This meant I'd be away from my computer for a whole week. A week!

The cats, Thomas and Tabitha.

But I took them up on the offer, packed a load of books, and hopped on a train with the intention of spending a week focusing on developing my skills with traditional media. Specifically Oil Painting, which I'd yet to try my hand at.

Working from Ron Ranson's Oils book, I began by creating a few studies exploring different techniques, marks and mixtures. Yup, mixing paints!

After I felt I had familiarized myself with the oils a little, I did a study exploring a more limited palette. I wanted to convey a mood with subtle shifts in tone and colour.

At this point, I felt confident enough to try my own, full length painting with an original composition. Inspired by a long, late evening wait at Reading railway station, I set to work. With this one, I wanted to explore a contrast of colour temperature and focus on lighting.

Waiting for Train.

It was quite a challenge but I'm very happy with the result. And I'm pleased to report, oils are awesome! I was even a little surprised at just how much I took to the medium.

In the end, I had a fantastic week and thoroughly enjoyed mixing it up a bit.

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