Sunday 8 June 2014

Sketching and Other Stuff.

Not long left in Leicester now. I'll be moving home in 2 weeks. Lots of people have already left but a few of us are still here. I'm excited to be back in Devon for a couple of months, enjoy a change of scenery and see my family. And catch up with friends. And ride my bike.

Also my mum acquired a pair of chickens, called Mabel and Bessie, so there's that.

We've been set a summer project which I've kinda, sorta started. Mostly I've been idly mulling it over and doodling but I'll definitely update with details and some progress shots in a couple of posts time.

Other than getting addicted to House of Cards and completing GTA V for a second time; these past two weeks I've been filling my days with various personal projects, studies and sketching.

Various sketches from life around Leicester.

Among many other things, over the summer I plan on learning some basic coding skills. It'll be a while until I can do something remotely useful but I've made a good start and I'm enjoying it.

I've got a lot to do!

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